Camelina oil offers what many pets require in a healthy diet: Easily digestible Omega Fatty Acids.
Is your pet not moving like they used to? Coat not as soft or full as it could be? Camelina Oil is the proven solution to these and many other ailments facing your pet!
Our Camelina oil offers 1.2-1.6:1 ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 along with a far superior shelf life and oxidative stability over other Omega3 | Omega6 oils.
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Votre cheval a-t-il du mal à maintenir son poids ? Le manteau n'a pas l'air 100 % brillant et plein ? Camelina Oil est la solution éprouvée à ces maladies et à bien d'autres que votre cheval est confronté !
Notre huile Camelina offre un rapport 1,2-1,6:1 d'Oméga 3 à Oméga 6 ainsi qu'une durée de conservation et une stabilité oxydative bien supérieures par rapport aux autres huiles Oméga3 | Oméga6.
Is your horse having trouble maintaining weight? Coat not looking 100% shiny and full? Camelina Oil is the proven solution to these and many other ailments facing your horse!
Our Camelina oil offers 1.2-1.6:1 ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 along with a far superior shelf life and oxidative stability over other Omega3 | Omega6 oils.