Pet Center Bully stick


Ces friandises au bœuf pur, riches en protéines et faibles en gras aident à masser les gencives et à éliminer l'accumulation de tartre et occuperont votre chien pendant des heures.

Veuillez vous assurer que la friandise est de la taille appropriée pour votre chien.


These pure beef, high protein, low fat treats help massage gums and remove tartar buildup and will keep your dog occupied for hours.

Please ensure the treat is the appropriate size for your dog.

We care about your Pet.

Quality Above All: We meticulously select our products with the well-being of your pets in mind. From nutritious food to engaging toys and comfortable accessories, rest assured that every item on our shelves meets our high standards of quality and safety.


When you buy from NutriK9plus, you support a small, family-run business that prioritizes pet health and positive customer interactions, and that supports local charities and community organizations. Above all, it makes you a part of our family.

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